Saturday, March 16, 2013

Cloud Security

What does security mean to you?   Is it knowing that you are safe were you are? Well there are many threats and issues that concern the cloud.  Is it really better to have your data stored with a cloud computing provider than with your company?  Is it better to trust other IT people rather than your own?  There is no arguing that having data in the cloud frees up space and reduces cost. 
Issues with the cloud
Ø  Data could be compromised by the Cloud Computing Provider
Ø  The connection between the Cloud Computing Provider and the customer is not always sufficiently protected.  
Ø Security risks that threaten the transfer line include eavesdropping, DNS spoofing, and Denial-of-Service attacks.  

Trend Micro is a leading innovator of cloud security.  It has been protecting businesses and consumers for over 20 years.   

Click on the video to learn more about Trend Micro and issues that come with cloud computing.

“Cloud Security.”  n.p. n.d. Web. 14 March 2013.
Holbl, Marko.  “Cloud Computing Security and Privacy Issues.” Web. 14 March 2013.


  1. I know Cloud Computing is the future but somehow I just don’t feel to secure about the idea of having all my personal data on a cloud. No to long ago ran a story about how thousands of nude pictures were “hacked” from Photobucket and then posted on for everyone to see. The word “hacked” is in quotation marks because no actual hacking was needed. Some reddit users found an exploit which they used to extract photos from password protected accounts. I personally just don’t think the technology currently can keep my information 100% secure. So for now I will just stick to my good old hard drive.
    P.S. Just in case you want read the story.

  2. With technology consistently evolving and improving I do not think any information can be 100% secure all of the time. Thank you for sharing the story about Photobucket. Number 1, I do not think anyone should be putting naked pictures of themselves on the internet. Once any people is uploaded to the internet it is public access so anyone can download it to their hard drive so it is not necessarily "hacking" I guess. I do not think people should abuse information that is not theirs.
